Tuesday, July 23, 2013

How to be Jane Quimby

     Inspiration. We all have it in every department in our lives: career, fashion, creativity… the list goes on. For me, one character in particular has been the inspiration for my internship, and that is Jane Quimby, the star of ABC Family’s show Jane by Design. The show is about Jane, a high school student who has landed a job working as the executive’s assistant of a major design company in New York. She balances her homework and job while managing to go on dates and design her own wardrobe! She does it all, and somehow she manages to impress her boss and the others around her. 
     So every day, as I get ready for work, ride the train to the CNN Center, and walk into my office, I think: How can I be Jane Quimby? I have a lot of thoughts on my mind: is my outfit fashionable, yet appropriate for work? What am I doing tonight and this weekend to ensure I keep a social life? What are the tasks that I need to get done for school in the fall? Am I making the most of this internship? And most importantly, how can I impress my boss? Before my internship, I re-watched the whole first season of Jane by Design, and during the past few weeks, I’ve taken mental notes on what I’ve observed at my job. Between the two, I think I have some of the answers. I don’t have them all, but I have a few tips on how to be Jane Quimby and impress your boss.
  1. Dress the part. Looking like success will put you in the mindset of success. It will give you the confidence to start your day strong.
  2. Have a warm smile for everyone. Make sure to speak to everyone you come across. Everyone in the elevator, in line for coffee, or working on the building maintenance has a story and something to teach you. It’s up to you to be inviting and learn from them.
  3. Make friends with your fellow interns. Although you’re in the same space as your internship comrades, they see and are assigned to different tasks. Share your experiences and get to know one another, and you could possibly tag along on a cool project that they have lined up.
  4. Say YES. Be open to whatever tasks your boss has for you. They’ve assigned you to it for a reason. No matter how small or boring the task may seem, it’s important and you could learn from it.
  5. Stay organized and take notes. That way, you won’t forget all the details of a meeting or project that you are working on, and your boss will know that you are engaged and paying attention.
  6. Put your best foot forward. Make sure everything you present to your boss is… well, presentable. Keep it clean and organized.
  7. Often check in with your boss. Keep your boss updated on your projects and meetings and ask him or her how you are performing.
  8. Talk to your boss about your interests. You are not a robot. Don’t spill the details about your upcoming date this weekend, but talk about your favorite TV shows and career goals.
  9. Ask questions and learn! Pretty self-explanatory. Nearly everyone is open to answering a ton of your questions. Remember, there is no such thing as a stupid question, and the point of an internship is to learn.
  10. Have fun! Be sure to meet up and hang out with your friends on the evenings and weekends. It will keep you sane.

I hope these tips help! Jane might not exactly be your career inspiration, but I think we all could learn a thing or two from Ms. Quimby. So take my advice and remember to learn and have fun with your internship!

By the way, I found a fun little article on HerCampus, and I thought it would be fun to share with you summer interns.  

Be sure to follow me on Instagram (@_blanchedubois), TwitterBloglovin, and Lookbook

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